Sensor Mode and Control Zones
The Lightcloud Sensor is a wireless PIR motion sensor and closed loop daylight harvester. Being wireless, it can control a load wired to the Sensor or any other Zone in the system.
It can function in Occupancy (auto on, auto off) or Vacancy (manual on, auto off) modes, with Occupancy as the default setting.
In Custom mode, the Sensor can act as an occupancy or vacancy sensor for any Zone in your Lightcloud site.
Sensor Sensitivity and Timeout
The Lightcloud Sensor is a wireless PIR motion sensor and closed loop daylight harvester. Being wireless, it can control a load wired to the Sensor or any other Zone in the system.
It can function in Occupancy (auto on, auto off) or Vacancy (manual on, auto off) modes, with Occupancy as the default setting.
It’s easy to adjust sensitivity and timeout values.

In Vacancy (manual on, auto off) mode, you can also specify a re-entry timeout and blink before timeout. That way, if you’re sitting at your desk for a while and the lights go off, they’ll go back on when you move a little.