The Problem
The multi-purpose gymnasium—used for DIII basketball games, morning yoga, graduations, career fairs, and just about anything else at the university requiring a large open space—was dimly lit by old metal halides. In addition to the poor light output from the metal halides, they were inefficient—using over 20,000 kWh per month.
There weren’t luminaire level controls, so to create scenes for events, the staff had to climb special lifts up to the ceiling and partially unscrew the bulbs. The same lifts were used to replace the bulbs every 20 months! With lift rentals as high as $1500 and another $500 in labor costs, replacing lights and settings “scenes” could easily escalate to over $20,000 per year. In addition to wasting time and money, the lifts posed serious safety concerns replacing bulbs suspended over 30 feet off the ground.